july 23, 2024

my cd player finally came in yesterday after waiting nearly a week for it to arrive. maybe this is because im a massive fucking nerd who likes cds a lot, but i was pretty damn excited. i didnt get a chance to use it aside from a quick cursory test, but today i finally had my opportunity. i took my twin fantasy cd (the mirror to mirror version, if only because i wanted to listen to famous prophets (minds) while i was out) and grabbed the monster energy i had cracked open with my lunch and i went for a nice walk. it was a pretty good walk, even if it was a little hot and the threat of rain suddenly started looming over me about halfway through. but i didnt mind. i walked down to the little pier on the lake right nearby and i sat there for about half an hour just jamming out and enjoying the view and a nice beverage. twin fantasy truly is a summertime sort of album to me, if im being honest. i first* got into csh in the fall of 2022 (*actively into csh, id listened to one song a couple of times about a year and a half prior and then wasnt sure if it was really my thing. boy was i wrong), and i was primarily into their album how to leave town. it wasnt until the weather started getting hot in the may/june 'its too hot to feel like spring anymore, but its not quite summer either' season and i listened to bodys while laying in the hammock in my yard that the song, and then the rest of the album following suit, properly clicked in my mind.

anyways. i was having quite a pleasant time outside. but i was reaching late enough in the album, and the threat of sudden downpour was becoming more present, so i walked back home. i got home as twin fantasy (those boys) played out, a good sense of timing on my part. i ended up showing off my cd player to my parents, who laughed and said i was the oldest 18 year old in the world, and that i could have been one of their weird friends in high school. and i mean. they had some fair points. i own a knockoff discman, much of the way that i dress, i like riding the train into the city to watch movies and going to the mall with my friends. hell, im sure that the fact that im writing a whole blog entry about this on my personal website wouldnt help if they knew about it, lol.

on the subject of friends, though. last week something very exciting happened :-]. i meant to write something here about it then but i kept forgetting, lmao. anyways. my brother dirk came down to visit from out of state. him, our buddy hex, and i had a great time hanging out of the course of a couple days. we did all the cool stuff to do when you hang out with your friends in the midwest like. uh. sit on top of your car in the parking lot of where the nearby movie theater used to be and sing your throat raw to awesome music. hang out at the mall and get matching knives from bass pro shops. go rollerblading through a trail in the woods next to the skate park. smoke catnip. go back to the house and have a bonfire. fall asleep on the couch watching seinfeld. it was a really fucking awesome experience, if im being blunt. its not the first time ive met up with an online friend (back in january i went to taco bell with my friend loki who happened to live in the town i was visiting family in), but finally getting to meet up with dirk was something wed both been excited for for. practically since we first started talking, lmao. its a little funny that, we clicked insanely fast and understood each other like no one had ever understood either one of us before that point, but we couldnt quite place the fact that we were like brothers until. reading homestuck. lmao. well, life is funny like that sometimes.

july 2, 2024

i went down to the city to go watch i saw the tv glow today in theaters. my personal review? honestly devastating film. like. im not sure how else to put it. as someone queer and psychotic especially, it definitely hits a place close to home. it was great, though. i definitely love that kind of surreal horror, and its always a good time to watch movies that lean into that sort of thing.

as an experience, additionally, it was definitely interesting. ive never actually been in a movie theater by myself before. i mean, usually movies are a good activity for friends, or sometimes my family will go out to watch a movie at the theater together if theres one were all interested in thats come out. but this time, i went alone. i sat all the way in the back (which personally, i usually dont pick the back row, but this time was an exception i guess lmao), and was one of maybe four people in the theater? i mean, it was a tuesday afternoon, so its not surprising, but still. as soon as the credits hit, i could hear the sound of the three other people in the theater crying. it left me feeling strange, but i had a train to catch, so i couldnt spend much time caring about the fact that i wasnt crying. matinees always feel odd, walking out of the dark box of the theater into just. normal daytime. you still feel that 'i just watched a movie and now something about the world feels fundamentally different' feeling, while also being confronted with the cold hard grip of the outside world. death at the movies by car seat headrest gets it. "its hard to adjust your eyes after the matinee / from the womb of the theater to the light of day / but youve got something to think about on the ride home / or something to talk about if youre not alone". as i was alone, i enjoyed a contemplative train ride.

other than that, i generally enjoyed my trip into the city. i can always enjoy a nice train ride, then walking around. also i got some good pizza so. thumbs up. all in all, id say today was pretty successful. i mean, it was interesting enough for me to write a whole lengthy blog entry about, lol

june 25, 2024

finally adding stuff to my site again this week because why the hell not. this section may get used a lot. or not. well see. how it feels to be the guy with one billion things to say. well if youre here, have a gif