welcome to my website
howdy and welcome to my website! its like a website, except thats exactly what it is. i like making shit and this website is just another avenue for that. im always trying to add new shit when i feel like it so. feel free to explore and have fun. or dont i dont really care i cant tell you what to do
about me
im cedar, im the chillest insane guy youll ever meet. if you gotta know more come to my about page
want to find something specific? check the sitemap
to do list:
- fungi shrine
- portal shrine
- art gallery
featured song:
never look me in the eye cause yours see so much more than mine!! the rags with which we started out, the rags with which we ended up! you walk with spine curved backward! id like to meet your actor!!!
last updated: 01/02/2025
- (01/02/2024) redid cd shrine
- (12/27/2024) misc minor updates
- (12/23/2024) new blog entry + various minor updates
- view full changelog